jklabs :: EasyOsc

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By default, all OSC messages are send to the multicast IP address on port 7447 to all listening hosts on the local subnet.

The EasyOsc addresses follow a common pattern:
/<registered name>/<direction>/<method or variable name>.

Direction is either in or out, relative to the program running EasyOsc.

If you’d like to get Processing (or any other Java program) to communicate with an OSC-capable system, you should be able to follow these patterns to establish an OSC channel.

For instance, here’s a fragment of Chuck code that would call a setBrightness method of a sketch registered as my_sketch:

OscSend xmit;
xmit.setHost("", 7447);

xmit.startMsg( "/my_sketch/in/setBrightness", "f");
0.8 => xmit.addFloat;