jklabs :: MaxLink

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MaxLink class functions 0.3b

MaxLink(Object parent, String name)
MaxLink link = new MaxLink(this, "test_sketch");
Constructor. Takes a reference to the parent object (the sketch) and a reference name (usually the name of the sketch).

declareInlet(String varName)
Creates an inlet in the corresponding Max object that maps to the specified variable. The variable must be declared as public (i.e. public float varName;).

declareInlet(String varName, String setterFunctionName)
link.declareInlet("xPosition", "setX");
Creates an inlet in the corresponding Max object and sets a function to call when input is received in the inlet. The setter function must be public, and have a single parameter of type equal to varName's class. (That is, if xPosition is a float, the setter function should be public void setX(float newX).)

declareMaxFunction(String functionName)
Declares a Processing function to be accessible from Max. The function must be public, and not have any parameters.

ouput(int i)
Sends an int out of the default (leftmost) outlet.

ouput(float f)
Sends a float out of the default (leftmost) outlet.

ouput(String s)
link.output("hi max!");
Sends a String out of the default (leftmost) outlet.

ouput(int outletNumber, int i)
link.output(0, 42);
Sends an int out of the specified outlet.

ouput(int outletNumber, float f)
link.output(1, 27.33);
Sends a float out of the specified outlet.

ouput(int outletNumber, String s)
link.output(2, "hi max!");
Sends a String out of the specified outlet.